jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

Jurassic Park

Descriptive stage

Establishing shot
  • Green field with blue sky and two bright cars driving in the middle of this field with very tall trees
  • In the car there were some scientists
  • There is a close up of the actors
  • The car stops and they meet one dinosaur
  • They get down the car and stand next to the dinosaur, they are surprised as it’s the first time they see a dinosaur.

Analytical stage

  • Camera angles à cameras are long way back and they are focusing in the cars. There is a close up to cars. Camera moves in and close up in one character
  • Lighting and colour à green is main colour as it is natural. Red color of car meaning danger. A little more clouds in the sky as camera close up. Lighting is natural. Some red in one actor’s neck.
  • Sound à non digested sound creating an atmosphere, sense of opening. Sound of cars interrupt as cars get closer
  • Composition and contrast à vertical, tall trees, big depth of fild. The car composition when zoomed is a triangle. There are more verticals as for the trees. Composition of car is framing the character that is being focused.
  • Close up vs. long shot à long shot to close up
  • Editing à
  • Script à Actors face is of surprise. 

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

Film Questionnaire

  1. How would you define a good film?
A good film would be one that keeps you focused all the time and it reaches its aim, so if it is a comic movie it makes you laugh.

  1. If you like a film, do other people have the right to tell you you’re wrong?
No, because every one has different opinions.

  1. How should people behave in the cinema?
People in the cinema should behave quiet and dont interup others, but if the movie is funny they can laugh or if its sad they can cry, but without exaggerating.

  1. Is film an art form? Explain your answer.
Yes becuase it is visual and also has sound.

  1. Who should get the final credit for a film, why?
All the people that helped with the movie should get credit for the film as if it wasnt for them the movie wouldnt be the same.

  1. How many different roles can you think of in the making of a film?
Director, actors, sound technicians, lighting technicians, camera, editor, special effects, script writer, producer, etc.
  1. Is there a function of film?
The function of a film is to transmit the mesage the director wants to give its audience.

  1. Why do people make films?
People make film becuase they want to make money, or they like making fims

  1. Do film makers have a moral responsibility to their audiences?
The have a moral responsability depending for what ages is the movie made, so if there are scences not apt for all public they should advice at the start of the movie.