Micro properties of film structure
- Difference between formalist and realism
- Mise en scene/ shot
- Colour in film
- Continuity editing- point of view cutting, cutting on the action, direction
- Montage versus long takes
- (fast and slow motions)
- Montage
- Digetic and non digetic sound
Macro properties of a film
- Narrative- what’s happening or what is depicted in films.
- Narration- how that narrative is presented to the film spectator.
Narrative structure
- What is narrative structure based on?
- Narrative logic
- Cause and effect- NOT random events. This is what drives the narrative.
Narrative logic in action
Event A a man is shot A points a gun in an off screen direction and fires. In shot B another man is shown collapsing to the ground. Because of the way the shots are edited (shot B immediately following shot A) the spectator reads the event in shot A as the cause of the event in shot B.