lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

Mise- en- shot

Mise en shot
Camera movement
Shot scale
Camera position
Length of take- during a shot
Pace editing

Long take
A continues shot, only one camera
Anything significantly longer than the norm (for its time and place)

Deep focus photography (often long take is combined with this)
Is when you have the background, the middle ground and the front all focused.
Keeps several planes of shot in focus at the same time.

Why is it used?
Simultaneous actions going on
Used in combination with long take, to decrease the editing.

  • Less editing
  • Gets more scenes at the same time
  • Backgrounds can help us recognise were we are
  • Doesn’t distract as almost no need of camera movement
  • Looks as if it is real, it is really happening in front us in real time- verisimilitude
  • Theatrical effect
  •  No sense of escape
  • Lack of action
  • Slow shots that could be boring
  • Too much of the sense of no escape
  • Can make the audience not feel involved

“the screen has to speak its own language”

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