viernes, 26 de agosto de 2011

Production Journal

Production Journalà story board

We had to decide what our chase was going to be about, we had decided that it had to be funny so it would be more interesting, but my entire group was thinking what our plot was going to be about. I had a brilliant idea of doing it of a misunderstanding, so someone would throw a ball to another person, and she would think it was the other person who threw it on purpose, so she would start chasing her. I liked this idea a lot, although when I first said this idea some of my group liked it, but others didn’t. First it was frustrating that we couldn’t all agree, but then we convinced them and decided to do the chase about that.

We all got inspired and started to have great ideas of places we could film, and the passages we could do. We wrote them in a paper, but then again we started to fight, because some of us wanted to make different portals than others, or in a different order. Any of us agreed with each other and it was really frustrating, I didn’t felt as if any of us was hearing to each other, as we were all shouting. After a while of fighting we realised we weren’t doing anything so we started to hear to each other, and found that some of us had really great ideas. So we put all our ideas together and went to take the pictures of the places we were going to film.

Production Journal à shooting

It was our first day of shooting, we wanted to do the first scene which was on the field, but it was being used so we couldn’t shoot that scene. Some of us wanted to film it anyway in the field with the people that were there as background, but it was too complicated as they could interfere with our project. We went to the coliseum to make the second scene. Gema was the only one who appeared in this scene running. We had to move the camera so we could have Gema running through the coliseum, but we couldn’t do it properly as the camera moved too much and the shot wasn’t stable. As we didn’t had the right equipment because Sandro Calderon was using it, we managed to solve our problem by putting the camera on top of a table, so it only moved by the sides and we had more control over it. When we were shooting the field scene we had some problems with the actors, as some of them didn’t know how to act, so we had to film the same shot many times until she finally did it. We had a great scene done in the black room, when the two actors suddenly appeared in the room. To do this we first shot a scene that there was no one, and then without moving the camera we filmed it with the actors in the scene, so when editing we put the two scenes together it looked very good. For this we used the camera stand so it wouldn’t move. 

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